We would like that our children develop their talents. Meanwhile we forget the power of love and empathy. And so at the bottom (in fact), everything began at home. Power of empathy We can define the empathy so: «Empathy is the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. Empathy is known to increase prosocial (helping) behaviors. »[1]2 Studies showed that the empathy of teachers favored the success of students. Indeed, a large-scale study led ...
In frame of my work on autism, I have noticed that certain parents complained by seeing their child declining further to a vaccination. In this article, it is a question of observing what the authorities of the public health of my French neighbors impose to parents. Because indeed, indirectly, I would like to make you think about the practice of vaccines in your own country.
  1. Vaccines are not all available in France
A single type of vaccine is at present available in France. It is about some hexavalent vaccine stemming from laboratories Pasteur ( Hexyon) or by GSK  (Infarix Hexa) (which inoculates against five diseases) supposed to avoid diphtheria, tetanus and polio as well as pertussis (whooping cough) and ...
These words result from conferences of Dr Henri Joyeux, cancerologist who has developed a  real passion and a work research on food and its link with public health. This cancerologist being of French origin, I found it interesting to share the knowledge with you in English language. Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Yet, nowadays, in our societies hyperindustrialized, many children (as well as of adults) consume sugars under a hidden shape called lactose. For Dr Henri Joyeux, many diseases can be avoided. Moreover, in a case of cance...