These words result from conferences of Dr Henri Joyeux, cancerologist who has developed a  real passion and a work research on food and its link with public health. This cancerologist being of French origin, I found it interesting to share the knowledge with you in English language. Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Yet, nowadays, in our societies hyperindustrialized, many children (as well as of adults) consume sugars under a hidden shape called lactose. For Dr Henri Joyeux, many diseases can be avoided. Moreover, in a case of cance...
  1. Abnormalities  of  metabolism
Defeat Autism Now has defused that the autistic children are carrier of anomalies at the level of their metabolism. Where from the possible explanation of benefactions of various supplements and minerals as well as the approaches other than behavioral. We speak moreover about the triangle of  autism, witness of a connection between the digestive system, the immune system and the central nervous system. This triangle establishes the existence of a link between problems of physical order and behavior disorders. Dr Michael Gershon moreover said in his book that “intestines are a second brain”. His se...