I always like figures because they are objective. So, I like consulting the world ranking of universities. The report is based on two assumptions: - The universities of excellence reflect innovations which they produce in their country and their region. - They are also the reflection more at least objective of the quality of the educational system of a country. On base of the website “webometrics”, we can analyze the distribution of universities of excellence by region by taking back only the top 400 of the universities of excellence in the world. 1) Results by region of the world:
  • In North America, we count 132 universities of excellence among the top 400:
- The ...
We would like that our children develop their talents. Meanwhile we forget the power of love and empathy. And so at the bottom (in fact), everything began at home. Power of empathy We can define the empathy so: «Empathy is the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. Empathy is known to increase prosocial (helping) behaviors. »[1]2 Studies showed that the empathy of teachers favored the success of students. Indeed, a large-scale study led ...
I meet constantly children with high potentiality so called gifted children or high potential (HP) children. Whatever is the school environment in which evolve pupil and whatever is his/her social origin, it is possible that you have one or several children with high potentiality in a class 1.   These children have an IQ equal or upper to 130. They are brilliant and have extremely interesting conversations for their age. Their vocabulary is extended. Sometimes, they have learnt to read alone, they have many questions. And every question brings other questions.   Many adults think that they are "small geniuses" or " perfect children or either " mini adults " who make a success of everything with a disconcerting ease. They wi...
The first feeling that you have when you arrive to Denmark is this feeling of well-being and comfort. Indeed, Denmark and the other Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, and Iceland) have a high level of happiness and well-being. They are known for their society with particular values: public-spiritedness, political life, lifestyles, system of social benefits, exceptional educational system, assistances to people with special needs, … They move on a bicycle, sort out their waste (up to nine different trash cans) and make "ecological" efforts thanks to ecological constructions, the use of renewable energies or the recycling of waste. Why did I go to Denmark within the framework of my work on autism? - First of all, Princess Marie of Denmark is...
My friend Diego and myself were on a mission to test New York. I had to visit schools and Diego, the CEO of 2gether, had a birthday dinner and meetings to attend. Diego is a happy owner of a wheelchair, so we rolled to New York.. It was exhausting. For the transport from Washington to New York, it was necessary to unsettle the wheelchair in two parts. One of the two is extremely heavy. The employee did not help us with a good heart. Arrived at New York, it was necessary to settle the wheelchair in one part. Then, we faced many difficulties. A simple difficulty becomes enormous. Luggage in hand, I put his backpack behind his wheelchair.  My friend decided ...
To speak to you about education, I need at first to speak to you about me. When I was a child, I was curious about everything. I did not change a lot. I liked puzzles, legos, philosophic questions, … When I was adolescent, I wanted to go on stage, to do modern jazz, improvisation. Then, I wanted to live in England, visited Latin America, … I am curious by nature. I like learning and I like making people learn. As for my work with children, it is not a simple work to put knowledges into thier heads. It is much more than it. I am training future citizens. I give them their value and I make them appreciate their value. And especially, I bring them on an unpublished way, that of the self-fulfilment with my good sense of humor… even if someti...
I have always  loved the world, to discover other cultures, other horizons. By a report of the BBC and CNN, I learnt that Ethiopia had the only center on the autism of all east Africa, the Joy Center. I thus decided to go there. After a long flight, I finally arrived to Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. It was Sunday. To my first surprise, the internet was not everywhere. I took advantage then thus of the nature in a flowery garden. On Mondays mornings, I saw children dressed in uniform who went away at the school. In the afternoon, in Ethiopia, we can see children playing in the street. In the center for autism, I noticed several moments when the children were in ...
It has been five years since I have been using my cat "Princesse" (say it with a French accent) as element of therapy. She is nice little one Siamese. The Siameses are known for their almost human character. Furthermore, as she is a female, Princesse is very stuck on me. We are inseparable.... All my pupils know that I love this cat. Moreover, my pupil Marie who is dyslexic painted me the board " Pricesse "(without "n") posted on my profile. My pupil Sofia which has a disorder of  attention drew me " Princess in all her states ". (The drawing set several hours and is also shown on my profile). The drawing is a help to concentration. In spite of her dyslexia, Marie is also writing me an attractive story of Prin...
In frame of my work on autism, I have noticed that certain parents complained by seeing their child declining further to a vaccination. In this article, it is a question of observing what the authorities of the public health of my French neighbors impose to parents. Because indeed, indirectly, I would like to make you think about the practice of vaccines in your own country.
  1. Vaccines are not all available in France
A single type of vaccine is at present available in France. It is about some hexavalent vaccine stemming from laboratories Pasteur ( Hexyon) or by GSK  (Infarix Hexa) (which inoculates against five diseases) supposed to avoid diphtheria, tetanus and polio as well as pertussis (whooping cough) and ...
These words result from conferences of Dr Henri Joyeux, cancerologist who has developed a  real passion and a work research on food and its link with public health. This cancerologist being of French origin, I found it interesting to share the knowledge with you in English language. Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Yet, nowadays, in our societies hyperindustrialized, many children (as well as of adults) consume sugars under a hidden shape called lactose. For Dr Henri Joyeux, many diseases can be avoided. Moreover, in a case of cance...